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InnovFest China 2023

► About InnovFest China

InnovFest China 2023 is co-organized by NUS (Chongqing) Research Institute and NUS (Suzhou) Research Institute. The key objective of InnovFest China is to foster and promote open innovation and collaborations, entrepreneurship, and China market access for overseas technology owners. With an international background and diversified model, the event will have keynotes; project roadshows; business match-making opportunities; sharing of tech trends; closed-door VC pitching sessions and exhibitions.  

► Dates

9-10 October 2023 | Suzhou
12-13 October 2023 | Chongqing

► What to Expect  

· Showcase
A platform for start-ups to showcase their products, services, and innovations to entrepreneurs & investors.
· Local founding
Learn about the various government initiatives, grants, and soft-landing policy information from local government.
· Share
Targeted business introductions and discussions with start-up founders, technology experts, and industry opinion leaders.
· Network
Connect with industry leaders, potential investors, and like-minded entrepreneurs  to build lasting relationships.
· Explore
Explore new market entry strategies, discover potential business opportunities, and forge strategic partnerships.

► Content of 2023

- Smart Mobility (Chongqing)
- Advanced Manufacturing (Chongqing)
- Biomedical and Healthcare (Suzhou)
- Sustainability (Suzhou)
- Roadshow Presentation
- 1-1 Mentoring/ Local Grant Policy Briefing
- Networking and Business Matching
- Enterprise Tour in Suzhou & Chongqing



► About InnovFest Chongqing

The InnovFest 2023, organised by NUS(Chongqing) Research Institute, is aims to establish an international platform to accelerate exchanges with regard to the world-leading technologies with local pillar industries between China and Singapore. Leverage its advanced entrepreneurship ecosystem and global resources to deepen the collaborations in the field of innovation and technology, which to endorse the significant G-to-G project China – Singapore Strategic Connectivity Initiative.

► Agenda

12/10/2023 Thursday


Opening Remarks

  1. Opening Address

  2. Signing Ceremony

  3. Keynote Speech


Forum 1:

  1. Smart Mobility

  2. China – Singapore (Chongqing) Roundtable

Forum 2:

  1. New Material & New Energy

  2. NUS Chongqing Alumni Forum


Networking Dinner

Whole Day: Project Exhibition and Business Communication

13/10/2023 Friday         

  1. China Immersion Programme