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Nurturing a Pipeline of Future-ready Talents
NUSRI China offers educational programmes that integrate research and innovation (or enterprise), and complement the industries in which our research institutes are based. These programmes are also channels for our research institutes to attract and cultivate talent together with the local governments in different regions of China.
The NUSRI China “3+1+1” joint programme is grounded in this approach to ensure both research and industry knowledge are at its core. Students who attend the “3+1+1” joint programme will spend the first three years of their study at their home university followed by a one-year bridging course at a NUSRI. They will then round out this chapter with a one-year master’s degree by coursework at NUS in Singapore.
First launched in 2016 at NUSRI Suzhou, the programme is a collaboration between NUSRI, NUS and partner universities across China. Graduates from the programme have progressed to develop fruitful careers in academia and industry.
Here, present and past students from the “3+1+1” joint programme share how their experiences have shaped their career and perspective.
A new journey awaits
Previously only offered at NUSRI Suzhou, the “3+1+1” joint programme has now expanded to NUSRI Chongqing, with the first intake in September 2022. The pioneer batch comprised students studying computer engineering.
Jiang Zhenxiang is part of this inaugural batch of students.
After attending an information session about the “3+1+1” joint programme at Sichuan University, Jiang was convinced that the programme would provide him with the opportunity to develop both his technical skills in computer science and engineering and his entrepreneurship skills.
"I want to enrich my knowledge through postgraduate study and I believe I can do so with NUSRI China,” says Jiang, who also wears the hat of co-founder of Yinlai Yinwang Smart Cloud Printing Co., a company that provides cloud server development and services. Two years of entrepreneurial experience made Jiang realise that knowledge and practical experiences were equally important in progressing his career.
Indeed, Jiang can now share that entering the “3+1+1” joint programme helped bridge the gap between local universities in China and NUS, presenting students like himself with an invaluable opportunity to get a head start in their careers.