

About Research Research Centres Investigators Safety and Health Management System
WU Yihong
Dr. Wu Yihong received his PhD from Kyoto University in 1991 for his work on low-dimensional wide-bandgap semiconductors and their applications in blue-green lasers. From 1991 to 1996, he had worked in various positions at Center for Optoelectronics, National University of Singapore, Panasonic Singapore Laboratories, and Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. He re-joined NUS in 1996 and has been a full professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUS, since 2008. He initiated the Nano Spintronics Group (the first spintronics group in Singapore) at the Data Storage Institute in 1998 and served as manager of the group concurrently until end of 2003. He has served as the Chairman for Singapore Spintronics Consortium (SG-SPIN) since 2014. Dr. Wu has been involved in researches in several different physical and engineering disciplines, including optoelectronics, optical data storage, magnetic data storage, spintronics and nanomaterials. His current research interests are in broad areas of spintronics (particularly spin-charge conversion and related devices) and 2D carbon nanostructures. He found a new form of carbon nanostructures (dubbed by him as carbon nanowalls) in 2002. He developed the first magnetic sensor based on spin Hall magnetoresistance and spin orbit torque in 2017. He has published over 180 referred journal papers and more than 120 conference papers. He holds 7 US patents. Dr. Wu is an Overseas Editor of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics and a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. He was the recipient of NUS Young Researcher Award 2003, APEX/JJAP Editorial Contribution Award (2019) from the Japan Society of Applied Physics, and several best paper awards in 2D carbon and nanomagnetism.