

About Research Research Centres Investigators Safety and Health Management System
Li Xiaobo


Ph.D., Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Minnesota, Sep. 2013 - Jun. 2018

Advisors: Prof. Shuzhong Zhang and Prof. Zizhuo Wang

M.Phil., Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Sep. 2010 - Aug. 2012

Advisor: Prof. Karthik Natarajan 

B.S., Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Sep. 2006 - Aug 2010.


Data Science Intern at Lyft, San Francisco, CA, United States, May 2017 - Aug. 2017

Data Science Intern at Target Corporation, Minneapolis, MN, United States, Jun. 2016 - Aug. 2016

Research and Teaching Assistant at Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, 2012-2013

Research Interests

Data-Driven Decision Making 

Stochastic and Robust Optimization

Pricing and Revenue Management

Discrete Choice Models 

Supply Chain Management

Sustainable Operations

Journal Publications

Dynamic Inventory Repositioning in On-Demand Product Rental Networks (with Saif Benjaafar, Daniel Jiang and Xiang Li).  Management Science68(11), 7861-7878, 2022. [pdf] [previous version]

Convex Optimization for Bundle Size Pricing Problem (with Hailong Sun and Chung Piaw Teo). Management Science68(2), 1095-1106, 2022. [pdf]

A preliminary version appears at Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (pp 637-638). 

A Convex Optimization Approach for Computing Correlated Choice Probabilities with Many Alternatives (with Selin Damla Ahipasaoglu and Karthik Natarajan). IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(1), 190-205, 2019. [pdf

Finalist, INFORMS Poster Session Competition 2013

On Substitutability and Complementarity in Discrete Choice Models (with Guiyun Feng and Zizhuo Wang). Operations Research Letters, 46(1), 141-146, 2018. [pdf]

Technical Note - On the Relation Between Several Discrete Choice Models (with Guiyun Feng and Zizhuo Wang). Operations Research, 65(6), 1516-1525, 2017. [pdf]

Robustness to Dependency in Portfolio Optimization Using Overlapping Marginals (with Karthik Natarajan and Xuan Vinh Doan). Operations Research, 63(6), 1468-1488, 2016. [pdf]

Second Place, 2013 INFORMS Financial Services Section (FSS) Best Student Paper

On Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of Marginal Distribution Choice Models (with Vinit Mishra, Karthik Natarajan, Dhanesh Padmanabhan and Chung-Piaw Teo). Management Science, 60(6), 1511-1531, 2014. [pdf]

Distributionally Robust Mixed Integer Linear Programs: Persistency Models with Applications (with Karthik Natarajan, Chung-Piaw Teo and Zhichao Zheng). European Journal of Operational Research, 233(3), 459-473, 2014. [pdf]

Peer-reviewed conference papers

A Nonparametric Approach with Marginals for Modeling Consumer Choice (with Yanqiu Ruan, Karthyek MurthyKarthik Natarajan). Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. 2023. [pdf]
Online Learning with Non-Convex Losses and Non-Stationary Regret (with Xiang Gao and Shuzhong Zhang). The 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 2018. [pdf]

Papers Under Review

Component Pricing with a Bundle Size Discount (with Ningyuan Chen, Zechao Li and Chun Wang). 2nd Round Major Revision at Management Science, 2022. [pdf

A Nonparametric Approach with Marginals for Modeling Consumer Choice (with Yanqiu Ruan, Karthyek Murthy, Karthik Natarajan). Major Revision at Management Science, 2023. [pdf

Shall We Only Store Popular Products? Warehouse Assortment Selection for E-Companies (with Hongyuan Lin and Fang Liu). Minor Revision at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2022.  [pdf

Winner of the 2021 MSOM Data-Driven Research Challenge [link]

A Unified Analysis for Assortment Planning with Marginal Distributions (with Selin Damla Ahipasaoglu and Zeyu Sun). Major Revision at Operations Research, 2023. [pdf

Partition and Prosper: Design and Pricing of Single Bundle (with Hailong Sun and Chung Piaw Teo). Major Revision at Operations Research, 2021. [pdf

Data-Driven Feature-Based Newsvendor: A Distributionally Robust Approach (with Mingyang Fu and Lianmin Zhang). Major Revision at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2023 [pdf

Optimal Policies and Heuristics to Match Supply with Demand for Online Retailing (with Yun Fong Lim and Fang Liu). 2nd Round Major revision at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2021. [pdf

Parameterizing the Rank List Model with Optimal Pricing Decision (with Shuo Wang). Major Revision at Production & Operations Management, 2022.  [pdf

E-Commerce Assortment Optimization and Personalization with Multi-Choice Rank List Model (with Hongyuan Lin and Lixia Wu). Major Revision at Production & Operations Management, 2022. [pdf

Proactive Policing: A Resource Allocation Model for Crime Prevention with Deterrence Effect (With Long He and Yue Zhao). Submitted, 2023. [pdf

Miscellaneous Publications (Undergraduate Work)

Hydrazine-Cadmium Tellurite Hybrid Microcrystals: an Efficient Precursor to Porous Cadmium Telluride and Tellurium Architectures through its Thermal Decomposition (with Hongbin Yao, Siyuan Ai, Shuhong Yu).  Nano Research, 3(2). 81-91, 2010. [pdf]

New Blue-Light-Emitting Ultralong [Cd(L)(TeO3)] (L = polyamine) Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanofibre Bundles: Their Thermal Stability and Acidic Sensitivity (with Hongbin Yao, Shuhong Yu). Chemistry - a European Journal, 15(31). 7611-7618, 2009 [pdf

Lamellar Transition-Metal Molybdate-CTA Mesostructured Composites (Metal = Ni, Co): One-Pot Synthesis and Application in Treatment of Acid Fuchsine (with Hongbin Yao, Shujuan Liu, Shuhong Yu). Chemical Communications, 6732-6734, 2009 [pdf