

About Research Research Centres Investigators Safety and Health Management System

Recognition & Awards

IBM Invention Plateau Award

IBM Invention Development Team (IDT) Award

IBM Patent Award

IBM Outstanding Employee Equity Award

IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (OTAA)

Best Paper Award at 2010 IBM GCG RTE Technical Conference

IBM Customer Service Star

IBM Eminence and Excellence Award

Motorola Performance Management (PM) Excellent Award

Nominated for the Andrew Fraser Prize 2007 (best postgradate Paper), Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)

Singapore Government Scholarship

Outstanding Master of Zhejiang Province (1 out of 1000)

Outstanding Bachelor of Zhejiang University (top 5%)

Excellent Student Scholarship in Zhejiang University


Educational Qualifications

PhD, System Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS) joint with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 2006

M.Eng, System Engineering, Zhejiang Universitym Hangzhou, China, 2002

B.Eng, Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang Universitym Hangzhou, China, 1999