

About Research Research Centres Investigators Safety and Health Management System
QIAN Wenlan

Wenlan Qian is Associate Professor and Dean's Chair in the Department of Finance at the NUS Business School, and Deputy Director of Research at the Institute of Real Estate Studies at the National University of Singapore. She is fellow of the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economics Research, Luohan Academcy at Alibaba Group, and the Homer Hoyt Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics. Currently, Wenlan Qian is an editor of Real Estate Economics, board member of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, and associate editor of Financial Management.  

Wenlan Qian's main research interests are household finance, real estate, digitization and FinTech, short sellers, and financial intermediaries. She is the recipient of multiple prestigious external grants and has won the best paper awards at leading international conferences in finance and real estate. Her research is published or accepted at top academic journals such as American Economic Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Management Science, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Review of Finance. 

Wenlan Qian holds a PhD in Business Administration from the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley.