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"311" Graduation Ceremony | Facing the Future and Learning Without End

  【Group photo

NUS (Chongqing) Research Institute (NUSRI-CQ) held the graduation ceremony of the first computer engineering major "3+1+1" joint education program on May 12. Guests from  China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project Administration, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National University of Singapore (NUS), International Cooperation and Exchange Department of Chongqing University, relevant leaders of NUSRI-CQ, and Class of 2022 students with some relatives and friends attended the ceremony.


With Lin Chenjie's melodious electronic piano performance, the graduation ceremony kicked off. Zhang Xiaoyang, Chen Yingyu and Gu Jingzhao hosted the ceremony.

  Chapter I
Promising Future

The first computer engineering major "3+1+1" joint education program was jointly established by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NUS, outstanding domestic universities and NUSRI-CQ.

  【Speech by Professor Xu Guoqin

Professor Xu Guoqin, Director of  NUSRI-CQ, congratulated all the students in the Class 2022 of 311 Program and wished, "Those who don't advance today will lag tomorrow. May the students have both the courage to walk out of the' comfort zone' and the boldness to walk into the' no man's land', and go forward bravely regardless of the rain or shine, whether from NUSRI-CQ, NUS, or every departure in the future".

  【Speech by Professor Guo Yongxin】

Professor Guo Yongxin's speech on behalf of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NUS affirmed the progress and growth of each student in the past year and encouraged everyone to “build their own bright future with firm faith and clear direction in a down-to-earth manner”.

  【Speech by Mr. Gao Xiang】

Mr. Gao Xiang, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Department of Chongqing University, delivered a speech as a representative of the cooperative universities, expressing sincere congratulations and expectations to the students and encouraging them "inspire and contribute to the hometown and the country" to contribute positive forces to the development of society. "

Chapter II

  【Awarding Honorary Awards】

Erudite and thoughtful, wise and determined. All students in the Class 2022 of 311 Program are shining in the field they love and are good at, and meanwhile, they are also contributing their own light to the "class family" and "dormitory family". Honorary awards are affirmation and recognition, but also encouragement and spur. NUSRI-CQ leaders and guests presented honorary certificates to the award-winning students.

  【Speech by Student Dong Mingrui】

As a student speaker representative, Dong Mingrui deeply recalled every bit of life and study in the graduate school, expressed gratitude to the teachers for their companionship and dedication, and summarized his own gains and growth. "Program 311 not only serves a good platform and bridge for students to better adapt to the future learning mode, and but also provides like-minded partners and a free and open scientific research atmosphere. I am very grateful to myself who came to Chongqing with my luggage that day. Life is a wilderness, not a track. I will keep exploring and move on. "

【Speaking by Mr. Yu Zhiqiang】

The students' achievements today are inseparable from the support of their families. As a representative of parents, Mr. Yu Zhiqiang expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the teachers related to the project, and also urged every student: "All the past is a preface. The stars and the sea always make people fascinated; The journey is boundless and to the poetry and distance. If bury your head in pulling a cart and look up at the road, you can reach all directions. "


【Issuing Certificates of Completion】

A heavy certificate of completion represents the students' efforts and gains in the past 200 days and nights, and the learning stage of the bridging course in NUSRI-CQ has come to an end. The leaders of  NUSRI-CQ and the professors of NUS jointly issued certificates of completion to all the students in the project.

Chapter III
Shaping the future


【Concluding speech by Ms. Vivian Fu】

Before the ceremony, Ms. Vivian Fu, Associate Director of  NUSRI-CQ, made a concluding speech. First of all, she affirmed the hard work and valuable experience gained by all the students of Class 2022 in the study stage of the graduate school. As all the students are about to bid farewell to NUSRI-CQ, Ms Fu earnestly sent a message to them that, “Do not forget your initiative mind in the future in the new environment, you should always maintain your enthusiasm for life, study and scientific research, be self-esteem, self-love and self-improvement, and calmly cope with all kinds of future changes and unknown challenges with healthy body and mind.”

The graduation ceremony slowly came to an end with the soft music. The guests attending the ceremony took a group photo with the students of Class of 2022. On the occasion of parting, the students took photos with teachers, relatives and friends for memory.

Meeting is to become a better self. NUSRI-CQ wishes the students to remain passionate and sincere, face the future and embrace lofty aspirations bravely.