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The Visit of Young Scholars to NUS (Chongqing) Research Institute

On August 21, NUS (Chongqing) Research Institute (“NUSRI-CQ”) co-organized the “Approaching Science” summer program with the Southwestern Chapter of Royal Society of Chemistry Club, Chongqing University. 20 elite students from Chongqing University and Chongqing Nankai High School participated in the program. The program aims to provide them with a platform to experience multicultural environment and develop their global mindset and research interests.

【Group Photo】

Ms Wang Jia, Associate Director of NUSRI-CQ delivered a welcome speech. She strongly encouraged them to learn and interact with the researchers in the Institute.

Welcome Speech by Ms Wang Jia】

The students visited Intelligent Manufacturing and Advanced Materials Laboratories. During the visit, they learnt 3D printing and materials synthesis, gaining a better understanding about materials science.

Visit Lab

In Block 71 Chongqing, they interact with high-tech start-up founders, learning about technology transformation and commercialization.

Visit Block71】