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Opening Ceremony | The First "3+1+1" Joint Education Program of NUS (Chongqing) Research I

NUS Chongqing Research Institute (NUSRI-CQ) held the opening ceremony of the first "3+1+1" (computer engineering major) undergraduate-postgraduate joint training program on the morning of Sept. 1 in a combination of online and offline. Guests from China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic ConectivityDemonstration Project Administration, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Singapore University, relevant leaders of the Research Institute and all 48 freshmen of Class of 2022 participated in the event.

  ►Opening ceremony site

At the ceremony, Professor Xu Guoqin, Director of NUSRI-CQ, congratulated the students on being selected for the project and joining the family of the Institute via video. Professor Xu Guoqin expressed his gratitude to China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project Administration and Liangjiang New Area Management Committee for their continuous support and help. The "3+1+1" program inherits and follows the educational philosophy and academic consistently upheld by NUS, and aims to cultivate first-class talents in the academic and industrial fields in the future. Professor Xu Guoqin hopes that the first students of the Institute can adapt to the new environment and learning mode as soon as possible, actively seek knowledge, dare to explore the unknown, and strive to practice the learning spirit of "Facing the Future and Learning Without End" advocated by NUS, the alma mater.

  ►Speech by Professor Xu Guoqin, President of NUS (Chongqing) Research Institute

Chu Bin, Deputy Director of China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project Administration, congratulated on the project’s smooth landing on behalf of this Administration. Chu Bin said that talent exchange and educational cooperation have always been an important support for China-Singapore Connectivity Project. The "3+1+1" project has perfectly built a seamless talent training channel between universities in China and NUS. In the next two years, he hoped that the students would overcome the impact of the epidemic, not be afraid of all kinds of difficulties in study and life, acquire cutting-edge knowledge, practice excellent skills and make contributions to the development of the country.

  ►Speech by Mr. Chu Bin, Deputy Director of China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project Administration

The success of the first "3+1+1" Program of the Institute cannot be separated from the strong support of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NUS and the cooperative universities in China. At the ceremony, Professor Sikdar Biplab, Director of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NUS, expressed gratitude to all parties involved in the Project via video, and wished the students good academic results in the next year and went to NUS for further study smoothly. Professor Guo Yongxin and Professor Wang Xinchao, who are in charge of this project in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NUS, warmly welcome the students to join the Project, and encourage them to be strict and self-disciplined in the process of learning, set higher standards for themselves when standing a high starting point, thereby making full preparations academically and psychologically for entering the master's program of NUS next year.

  ►Professor Sikdar Biplab, head of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUS.

  ► Professor Guo Yongxin, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUS.

  ►Professor Wang Xinchao, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUS.

At the opening ceremony, the students were surprised to receive earnest messages from the teachers of their alma mater, who fully affirmed the "3+1+1" Program and sincerely congratulated the students. Among them, Professor Liu Hanlong, the Executive Vice President of Chongqing University, encouraged every student to "make full use of the advantages of the China-Singapore cooperation platform, broaden their horizons, be proficient, diligent in thinking and in hearing”.


As a freshman representative, Ju Li, a student from Sichuan University, shared his excitement, anxiety, planning and expectation as one of the first students to join the Computer Engineering Major "3+1+1" Program, and also expressed their courage and determination to meet challenges and innovate on behalf of all the students.

  ►Speech by Ju Li, freshman representative

Before the end of ceremony, Vivian Fu, Associate Director of NUSRI-CQ delivered a concluding speech. She encouraged the students not to be afraid of possible setbacks, confusion, and challenges, to be brave in trying, and to take every step with perseverance and courage. Fu Wei gave eight characters of encouragement to all the students who came to the Institute: "Be ambitious and broad-minded", and encouraged them to be people with ambition, a sense of responsibility, a concern for the future, and a broad mind, and growing into a better self during the year in the Research Institute.

  ►Ms. Vivian Fu, Associate Director of NUSRI-CQ, delivered a concluding speech

The opening ceremony was successfully concluded in a warm and pleasant atmosphere. After the ceremony, all the guests and all the freshmen of the Class of 2022 took a group photo to mark the occasion. The new school year officially kicked off.