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NUS (Chongqing) Research Institute successfully held the 2023 Special Seminar of the International F

【Group Photo】

The 2023 Special Seminar of the International Functional Materials Society was successfully held at Chongqing Research Institute of National University of Singapore (NUSRI-CQ) from August 4 to 6. The seminar was jointly organized by the Institute and the International Functional Materials Society, and Professor Lu Li, Associate Director of NUSRI-CQ, and Dr. Wang Yumei served as the Chairmen of the seminar.
Twenty-five renowned experts and scholars in the field of functional materials were invited to this seminar. They came from Shandong University, Qingdao University, Chongqing University,  Ming Chi University of Technology in Taiwan, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Soochow University, Shanghai University, Hunan University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an Jiaotong University and other universities as well as Bruker, Xinwei, Mikrouna and other enterprises.
During the seminar, experts and scholars gave reports to share the latest scientific and technological achievements, and exchanged views on new technologies and new products of functional materials and related analysis and testing equipment in the fields of clean environment, battery energy storage and energy conversion.
This seminar was held to provide a communication platform for the vast number of scientific researchers in the field of functional materials and technologies to exchange experience and share innovative perspectives with each other in the hope of exploration, innovation and fusion, and more fruitful results based on this exchange.

【Opening speech by Professor Lu Li】

Professor Lu Li, chairman of the seminar and Deputy Director of NUSRI-CQ, delivered an opening speech. With the theme of “Design and Shape Your Future”, he encouraged young scholars to constantly learn and improve themselves to adapt to the changing environment and take the initiative in career development, emphasized on the importance of foresight and planning, and urged young scholars to prepare for future career development. Meanwhile, he pointed out that this seminar was aimed to stimulate innovation and creativity and promote the interdisciplinary fusion. Finally, Professor Lu extended a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the guests present. He looked forward to the success of the conference and expected the participants to gain valuable experience and knowledge to drive progress in the field of functional materials and technologies.


 【Experts and scholars delivered reports for sharing】

Experts and scholars conducted heated discussions on positive/negative electrode materials for lithium/sodium ion batteries, solid-state batteries, water-based batteries, battery interface analysis, conversion technologies for the molten-salt growth method in various materials, and the application of new materials in energy storage.

【A visit to the lab and the lighting up of flame-retardant battery】

During the seminar, Dr. Wang Yumei led experts and scholars to a visit to the Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Laboratory, showcasing the high safety solid-state batteries prepared by the Institute, and in-depth discussion on battery safety issues was conducted.

【Experts and scholars exchanged views with exhibitors】

In this seminar, experts and scholars discussed the potential effects of various electrode materials, battery structures and engineering strategies on battery energy storage capacity and safety. These discussions provide valuable reference and guidance for the further development of battery technology, and also present new challenges and opportunities for academic research in related fields.